C++ Piscine Rush00


It’s the year 42-XX…

Twitter has become sentient

Rouge @ symbols have started attacking mankind.

Our future depends on you!


Current Status:

Fly through text-space dodging rouge @ symbols!

Press the space bar to shoot bullets - at them!

You gain 10 points per @ destroyed!

You lose 1 point per @ that makes it past you!

Hoo-rah! We have a basic game working!

The game is meeting the requirements listed below!

We took inspiration and content from this source:


We have a few ideas for moving forward:

Here are some old ideas:

Game Ideas:

??? - Space Dodger (Just like the tutorial for now!) ??? - Collector / Bomber (Get ammo, drop bombs to stop death plants)



The goal of this project is to implement a simplistic shoot-em-up style game in your terminal.

You will use a screen made up of a grid of ‘squares’. These can be equated to the characters on your terminal. Entities of your game are each represented by a character on the screen.


Basic Requirements:

Advanced Requirements:

Bonus Requirements: